Illustrations of Chinese fishes reptiles cephalopods and crustaceans
来源版权荷兰格罗宁根大学藏,© Copyright
简介说明《Illustrations of Chinese fishes reptiles cephalopods and crustaceans》是一套关于中国及附近海洋鱼类、甲壳类动物的外销画图谱。这套图稿共四百五十八幅(有中文及拉丁文标记),描绘了大约三百多种鱼类。它们大约绘制于19世纪初中国广州,由当时荷兰驻中国领事M. J. (Magdalenus Jacobus) Senn van Basel 带回荷兰 Cabinet of Natural History of the University,大约于1870年转藏于荷兰格罗宁根大学

Illustrations of over 300 fishes, as well as a number of reptiles, cephalopods and crustaceans, most of them found in seas and rivers of China, others in Japan, the Indian archipelago, Australasia, America and Europe. Their names are given in Chinese characters with a transcription. P. Bleeker added his own nomenclature.
Around 1870, the collection was transferred to the University Library from the Cabinet of Natural History of the University, to which it had been presented by M. J. (Magdalenus Jacobus) Senn van Basel (Groningen 1808-1863 Delft). He started his career in the Dutch Indies as a merchant in Batavia and was appointed consul of the Netherlands in Kanton, China (1835). Later he became Receiver-General in Semarang, Java, an office from which he was discharged in 1848.


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