品名作者藏传佛教绘画量度经(Handbook of Tibetan Iconometry)
来源版权Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library,© Copyright
简介说明藏传佛教绘画量度经(Handbook of Tibetan Iconometry)17 世纪艺术指南 / Christoph Cüppers、Leonard van der Kujip、Ulrich Pagel 编辑;多比次仁嘉的中文介绍。

《藏传佛教绘画量度经》(藏文名称:Cha tshad kyi dpe ris Dpyod ldan yid gsos)是一本插图丰富的论文,阐述了 17 世纪西藏艺术核心的图标计量原理和测量方法。这本书是在 ca 制作的。1687年在著名学者和政治家sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho (1653-1705)的怂恿下。今天,原件保存在西藏自治区档案馆(拉萨)。该手册包括150多幅精心准备的佛、菩萨和神灵图,70种文字类型和14种佛塔模型,所有这些都是从丰富的印藏佛教艺术遗产中推断出来的。附有介绍该手册在 17 世纪的制作过程以及其主要作者 Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho 的学术概况的介绍。

Handbook of Tibetan Iconometry : a Guide to the Arts of the 17th Century / edited by Christoph Cüppers, Leonard van der Kujip, Ulrich Pagel; with a Chinese introduction by Dobis Tsering Gyal.
The Handbook of Iconometry (Tibetan title: Cha tshad kyi dpe ris Dpyod ldan yid gsos) constitutes a lavishly illustrated treatise laying down the iconometic principles and measurements at the heart of the 17th-century art of Tibet. The book was produced in ca. 1687 at the instigation of the famous scholar and statesman sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho (1653–1705). Today, the original is kept in the Tibet Autonomous Region Archives (Lhasa). The Handbook includes more than 150 meticulously prepared drawings of buddhas, bodhisattvas and divinities, 70 script types and 14 stupa models all extrapolated from the rich heritage of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist art. These are accompanied by an introduction charting the production of the Handbook in the 17th century and the scholarly profile of its principal author Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho. In the appendix, it reproduces passages from the Vaiḍurya g.Ya’ sel that provide valuable additional information about the illustrations.


(Handbook of Tibetan Iconometry)
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